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Important Factors for a Successful Villi Installation

Please read these installation instructions carefully before beginning installation!


The contractor is to examine substrates and advise the General Contractor and Architect of existing conditions and surface contamination requiring correction before work commences. Before starting, substrates are to comply with deflection requirements as defined be International Building Code (IBC), International Residential Code (IRC), or applicable local building code. Substrates are to be cleaned to remove curing compounds, sealers, soil, mortar, dirt, dust, etc. Curing compounds and sealers are to be mechanically removed (e.g. metal bead blasting, grit/sand blasting, diamond wheel grinding with vacuum attachment). After removal of the curing compounds and sealers, all rough and uneven substrates are to be brought into required tolerances. For tiles with edges shorter than 15 inches (375mm), maximum allowable variation is 1/4 inch in 10 feet (6 millimeters in 3 meters) from the required plane, with no more than 1/16 inch variation in 12 inches (1.5 millimeters variation in 300 millimeters) when measured from the high points in the surface. For tiles with at least one edge 15 inches (375 millimeters) in length, maximum allowable variation is 1/8 inch in 10′ (3 millimeters in 3 meters) from the required plane, with no more than 1/16 inch variation in 24 inches (1.5 millimeters variation in 600 millimeters) when measured from the high points in the surface. For modulator substrate units, such as exterior glue plywood panels or adjacent concrete masonry units, adjacent edges cannot exceed 1/32 inch (0.8 millimeters) difference in height. Use LATICRETE 3701 Fortified Mortar. Dry, dusty concrete or masonry surfaces must be water washed and excess water removed just prior to the application of LATICRETE installation materials.

Expansion and Control Joints

Existing joints in substrate must be carried through the tile work and conform to architectural details. Expansion joints to be installed where tile work abuts restraining surfaces, such as perimeter walls, curbs, columns, etc. Expansion joints to be installed at all “changes of plane” in tile work. Refer to Tile Council of North America (TCNA) Detail EJ-171 (Current Year) for industry recommendations.

Installation of Crack Suppression Membrane

Install HYDRO BAN over all hairline cracks (<1/8″ or 3mm) in surfaces, prior to installing tiles, in accordance with the LATICRETE written installation instructions. Refer to LATICRETE DS 663.0 and DS 663.5 for complete information.


Mix according to LATICRETE printed product instructions included with each product package.

Thinset Installation of Tiles

Ensure that the backs of the glass tiles have been thoroughly washed, rinsed, and completely dried prior to installation. Use LATICRETE Glass Tile Adhesive Mortar to install tiles, via thinset method. Installation is to comply with current revisions of ANSI A108.02 (3.11), A108.1B and ANSI A108.5. Use an appropriate sized notched trowel to facilitate full coverage of the thinset mortar to the backs of the tiles. Use the flat side of the trowel to firmly apply LATICRETE Glass Tile Adhesive Mortar onto the substrate. Next, apply LATICRETE Glass Tile Adhesive Mortar in a horizontal direction using notched side of the trowel. Use the flat side of the trowel to knock down the ridges and create a smooth setting bed. Check for voids and fill in where necessary. Next, back butter each clean, dry tile using LATICRETE Glass Tile Adhesive Mortar. Verify that 100% coverage has been achieved by removing a tile while the thin-set mortar is still fresh. The face of the glass tile can also be checked before setting to verify the appearance of full coverage. Tiles must be dry prior to installation to avoid the appearance of water spots on backs of tile. Apply glass tile into the wet thin-set mortar using firm, even pressure to establish contact and eliminate any voids. Remove excess thin-set mortar from in between tile edges. Allow the tile installation to cure a minimum of 48 hours at 70°F (21°C) prior to grouting. Clean excess thin-set mortar from the face of the glass tiles and joints between pieces while fresh, before it hardens.

Epoxy Grouting

Store liquid components of SPECTRALOCK® PRO Premium Grout† for 24 hours @ 70-80°F (21-27°C), prior to use, to facilitate mixing and application. Substrate temperature must be 40-95°F (4-35°C). Verify joints are free of dirt, debris, thin-set mortar or grout spacers. Sponge or wipe dust/dirt off glass and remove all water standing in joints. Cut open pouch and pour SPECTRALOCK PRO Premium Grout Part A Liquid into a clean mixing pail. Then open pouch and pour SPECTRALOCK PRO Premium Grout Part B Liquid into the mixing pail. Mix by hand or with a slow speed (<300 rpm) mixer until the two liquids are well blended. Then, while mixing, add SPECTRALOCK Grout Part C Powder and blend until uniform. For narrow joints, it is acceptable to leave out up to 10% of the SPECTRALOCK Grout Part C Powder to produce a more fluid mix. Install SPECTRALOCK PRO Premium Grout in compliance with current revisions of ANSI A108.02 (3.13) and ANSI A108.6 (3.0 – 4.0). Spread using a sharp edged, firm rubber float and work grout into joints. Using strokes diagonal (at 45° angle) to the grout lines, pack joints full and free of voids/pits. Then hold float face at a 90° angle to grouted surface and use float edge to “squeegee” off excess grout, stroking diagonally to avoid pulling grout out of filled joints. Once excess grout is removed, a thin film/haze will be left. Initial cleaning of the remaining film/haze can begin approximately 20 minutes after grouting (wait longer when temperatures are cooler). Begin by mixing one cleaning additive packet with 2 gallons (7.6 L) of clean water in a clean bucket to make cleaning solution. Dip a clean sponge into the bucket and then wring out cleaning solution until sponge is damp. Using a circular motion, lightly scrub grouted surfaces with the damp sponge to loosen grout film/haze. Then drag sponge diagonally over the panel surfaces to remove froth. Rinse sponge frequently and change cleaning solution at least every 50 ft2 (4.7m2). Discard sponges as they become “gummy” with residue. Check work as you clean and repair any low spots with additional grout. One (1) hour after finishing first cleaning, clean the same area again following the same procedure but utilizing a clean white scrub pad and fresh cleaning solution. Rinse scrub pad frequently. Drag a clean sponge diagonally over the panel surfaces to remove froth. Use each side of sponge only once before rinsing and change cleaning solution at least every 50 ft2 (4.7m2). Allow cleaned areas to dry and inspect panel surfaces. For persistent grout film/haze (within 24 hours), repeat scrubbing procedure with undiluted white vinegar and clean pad. Rinse with clean water and allow surface to dry. Inspect grout joint for pinholes/voids and repair them with freshly mixed . Cautions: Do not use acid cleaners on epoxy grout less than 7 days old.

Portland Cement Grouting

Verify grout joints are free of dirt, debris, thin-set mortar and grout spacers. Sponge or wipe dust/dirt off all surfaces. Remove all water standing in joints. Surface temperature must be between 40-90° F (4-32°C). Mixing: Pour approximately 64 oz. (1.9 L) of clean, potable water into a clean mixing container. Add a 25 lb. (11.3 kg) bag of LATICRETE PERMACOLOR™ Grout to the container while mixing. Mix with a slow speed mixer to a smooth, stiff consistency. Allow to slake for 5 minutes and remix. Install grout per current revisions of ANSI A108.1A (7.0 Grouting of tile), ANSI A108.02 (4.5 Cleaning tile) and ANSI A108.10. Dampen dry surfaces with clean water. Spread using a sharp edged, hard rubber float and work grout into joints. Using diagonal (at 45° angle to direction of grout line) strokes, pack joints full and free of voids/pits. Hold float face at a 90° angle to panel surface and use float edge to “squeegee” off excess grout, stroking diagonally to reduce pulling grout out of filled joints. Initial cleaning can begin when grout has become firm, typically 15-20 minutes after grouting @ 70° F (21°C). Higher temperatures may require faster time to initial cleaning; wider joints or lower temperatures may require a longer time to initial cleaning. Begin initial cleaning by lightly dampening the entire grouted area with a damp sponge. Then, wash clean the entire area with a damp (not wet) sponge. Drag a clean, dampened sponge diagonally over the panel surfaces to remove grout haze left after “squeegeeing.” Rinse towel/sponge frequently. Change rinse water at least every 200 ft2 (19m2). Repeat this cleaning sequence again if grout haze is still present. Allow grout joints to become firm. Buff surface of grout with clean coarse cloth. Inspect joint for pinholes/voids and repair them with freshly mixed grout. Within 24 hours, check for remaining haze and remove it with warm soapy water and a nylon scrubbing pad, using a circular motion, to lightly scrub surfaces and dissolve haze/film. Do not use acid cleaners on latex Portland cement grout less than 10 days old.


The contractor must take precautions to protect the finished work from damage by other trades. Allow the cement grout to cure for a minimum of 7 days at 70° F (21° C) before aggressive cleaning.

Cold Weather Note

The curing of installation materials is retarded by low temperatures and finished work should be protected for an extended period of time. Typically, for every 18º F below 70º F (10ºC below 21ºC), installation materials take twice as long to cure.

Grout Joint Width

Villi glass tiles should be set with a minimum of 1/8 inch grout joint. We also recommend non-sanded grout to prevent any scratching on the tile surface. If applications call for sanded grout, we recommend the use of a soft rubber float to minimize the possibility of scratching the tile. After installation, it is recommended that the tile be cleaned with a commonly accepted grout cleaner, e.g. Aqua Mix (1-800-366-6877) or TEC (1-800-832-9023).

Recommended Adhesive and Grouting Products

VILLI recommends the use of the following LATICRETE products:

Latex Portland Cement Thick Bed Mortar: LATICRETE® 3701 Fortified Mortar
Crack Suppression Membrane: HYDRO BAN®
Latex Portland Cement Thinset Mortar: Glass Tile Adhesive Mortar
Stain-Resistant Epoxy Grout: SPECTRALOCK® PRO Premium Grout
Polymer-Fortified Cement Grout: PERMACOLOR® Grout
Latex Portland Cement Unsanded Grout: LATICRETE 1600 Unsanded Grout mixed with LATICRETE 1776 Grout Enhancer [For joint widths less than or equal to 1/8 inch (3mm)]
100% Silicone Caulk: LATASIL™

For questions relating to setting materials, please contact LATICRETE International, Inc.; Bethany, CT; USA Telephone: 1 (203) 393-0010; Fax: 1 (203) 393-1684; E-mail:;

For questions relating to setting materials, please contact LATICRETE International, Inc.; Bethany, CT; USA Telephone:1 (203) 393-0010; Fax: 1 (203) 393-1684; E-mail:; Website:

Care should be taken when using light colored Villi products or light colored grout. Use a white colored adhesive to prevent shadowing through the tile and visible thinset bubbles in the grout lines. Back-buttering each piece of tile with the flat edge of the trowel will help to provide a void free installation; good contact with the mortar bed is also recommended – 100% coverage is needed! Larger tiles may require a larger notched trowel. Refer to current TCNA Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installations.

Detailed Instructions


If you have questions regarding the installation of your Villi products, call 866-724-5836. We’re always happy to help.


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